Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Commemoration of the Centenary of the Light Horse

Only three days left until the ‪#‎MFSR2015‬ Stockman's Challenge starts at ‪#‎Corryong‬ with warm weather forecast. It will be welcome after last year's deluge and quagmire. Don't forget to visit the Art & Photography Exhibition/Sale in the memorial hall. It will feature a historic ‪#‎Light_Horse‬ theme that commemorates the centenary of the brigades.

A new sepia print will be on display ‪#‎The_Light_Horseman‬ that celebrates our mounted infantrymen and renowned mounts, the #‎Walers‬. They won battles across the deserts of the ‪#‎Middle_East‬ during the ‪#‎Great_War‬ led by their largely unrecognized but undefeated Commander-in-Chief and remarkable war strategist ‪#‎Sir_Harry_Chauvel‬.


His daughter was the ‪#‎Silver_Brumby‬ novelist ‪#‎Elyne_Mitchell‬ who lived near #Corryong with her husband Tom at ‪#‎Towong‬ for many years. Hope you like the new heritage print and enjoy the ‪#‎MFSR_bush_festival‬ if going !

James Vereker 2015 © All Rights Reserved